What is Biodiversity?


All about Nature and the Environment!


What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity or biological diversity is the variety of life on Earth. It consists of the huge variety of animals and plants on our planet, together with the places where they live. These animals, plants and environments work together and depend on each other in lots of different ways. Together they provide us with food, clean water, fuel, health, wealth, and other services we take for granted.  Biodiversity is essential for life so let’s protect it!


What does Biodiversity do for us?

  • provides us with food and fuel
  • gives us shelter and building materials
  • purifies the air and water
  • involved in the decomposition of waste
  • stabilises the Earth’s climate
  • helps protect us against floods, droughts, temperature extremes and the forces of wind
  • generates and renews the soil and makes it fertile which includes nutrient cycling
  • pollinates plants, including many crops
  •  controls pests and diseases
  • provides us with medicines, and other products







Threats to Biodiversity

  • Litter
  • Pollution
  • Habitat loss and destruction
  • Climate change
  • Introduced (invasive) species
  • Over-exploitation


Useful terms to know
  • Species – a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. For example, the ash is a species of tree, the squirrel is a species of mammal.
  • Habitat – the natural environment in which an organism lives. For example, a woodland or a bog is a habitat.
  • Ecosystem – is a community of plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms that live, feed, reproduce and interact together in the same area or environment. Irish examples include a bog, a woodland, a marsh, a hedge, a lake or even a rock pool.
  • Introduced Species – are species that have been placed into a community or ecosystem where they do naturally occur. They can cause problems for native species.
  • SPA – Special Protection area is an area of land, water or sea which has been identified as being of international importance for the breeding, feeding, wintering or the migration of rare and vulnerable species of birds found within the European Union. SPAs are European designated sites, classified under the European Wild Birds Directive which affords them enhanced protection.
  • NHA – Natural Heritage area is an area considered important for the habitats present or which holds species of plants and animals whose habitat needs protection e.g. Irish bogs.
  • Special Area of Conservation (SAC) is an area which has been given special protection under the European Union’s Habitats Directive. SACs provide increased protection to a variety of wild animals, plants and habitats and are a vital part of global efforts to conserve the world’s biodiversity.
  • National Park – is an area that is protected because of it’s beautiful countryside, wildlife and cultural heritage. It is a public space maintained by the government to preserve nature, history or science.




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2 thoughts on “What is Biodiversity?

  1. merrybeau

    Well done on the blog.

    I love the theme you used and the colour scheme is very apt 🙂 It is very easy on the eye. I find a blog helps you keep everything together.

    It works like a filing system and everything is to hand and accessible to other; students, parents and teachers.

    It would also be a great classroom resource and a way of sharing information between classes.

    I have no advice. But if you would like, we could meet up sometime that would suit you and I could show you some more of the great things you could do with Edublogs and the fun you can have with widgets.

    With every good wish
    Merry Beau, Class Teacher, 2nd Class Room 6


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